How to Bounce Back From Facebook’s Reach Decline (INFOGRAPHIC)
Search Engine Optimization, Social Media

Has your Facebook Page been suffering from low organic reach lately? You’re not alone. Over the last several months, many Pages on Facebook have seen a dip in reach numbers with every Facebook News Feed algorithm change. This, of course, doesn’t make us marketers happy campers, especially those small business owners who depend on social Read More
Bring up Google+ in a conversation and you’ll never hear the end of it. There’s always a strong opinion looming around the topic. Google+ for most people is either 1. a social media gold mine or 2. a ghost town full of user accounts nobody signs into. “Which one is it?” has been the question Read More
As any online marketer knows, Google’s been pretty busy the last couple of years making some major algorithm changes to search with Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird, but did you know that the search giant also made some changes to PPC as well? Here’s how it was before: Google used two key metrics to measure how Read More
Ledger Software offers simple, quality software solutions for professional care facility managers. Based out of Austin, Texas, this big-as-the-Lone-Star-State management software helps professionals in childcare, adult care, and schools tackle all day-to-day business tasks. This includes finance, scheduling, recording, and reporting. And it’s as easy to use as a phone application. Ledger Software is the Read More