Not everything on the web is created equal. Every piece of a company’s online content, from a social media post or a blog post, all the way down to the website domain, has an ideal length or character count. In order for these pieces to work hard to convey the right marketing message, marketers must Read More
Say Hello to Thursday Market: A Facebook-Integrated Social Referral Site for Service Professionals

Today is the perfect day to announce that Thursday Market, a social referral site for local businesses, has officially launched nationally. Thursday Market gives customers the opportunity to search for local service professionals in their area based on referrals from friends and neighbors. The site also allows businesses the opportunity to engage with those customers and Read More
Remember the falling out of Apple Maps in 2012? Well, it looks like Apple is taking big steps to make it better. In an effort to improve Apple Maps, Apple announced on Tuesday that it launched a new local business listings portal called “Maps Connect” that allows local businesses to add or edit information about Read More
Google has confirmed that a new version of the Google Penguin 3.0 update was released on Friday, which marks the first update to the Penguin algorithm in over a year. Penguin 3.0, much like previous versions, is focused on catching websites that use link buying, a deceptive “black hat SEO” tactic to primarily boost search Read More