Remember when we said that Google is focusing on mobile this year? Well we were serious and so is Google, apparently. In addition to a new mobile interface for mobile results that is currently being tested according to reports by Search Engine Land, the search engine is also looking to offer its own wireless services.  Read More

Pinners everywhere will be excited for this feature in the works. Pinterest is stepping into the ecommerce game by offering a ‘Buy’ button that will allow users to purchase ‘pinned’ items without leaving the website or mobile app. According to sources from Re/Code, the feature has been in the works for sometime and is set  Read More

For the last decade, social media has made a huge impact on the way we interact with each other, including how we interact with businesses we buy products and services from. Over the last ten years, it has evolved: constantly updating and reinventing itself to be an indispensable tool in our society. As marketers, social  Read More