3 Things to Keep in Mind When Creating a Successful Email Campaign
Digital Media Marketing, SSP In the News

While email marketing seems to be the oldest form of digital marketing to date, it still proves to be the most powerful means a marketer has to reach consumers. In fact, according to sources, mid-sized businesses are enjoying an average of 246% ROI thanks to email marketing! And while not as glamorous social media, email Read More
With its visually attractive interface and its steadfast focus on products, Pinterest has proved to be a driving force online. One very strong aspect of Pinterest is that it’s a perfect combination of search and social, or as some like to describe as, “searcial”. On Wednesday, Pinterest released a couple of improvements to its search Read More
Twitter officially jumped into the video advertising market today by introducing autoplay videos with a special guarantee to advertisers: Unless the promoted video is 100% viewable (not half seen or scrolled by) and has been watched for at least 3 seconds, Twitter will not charge advertisers for the view. How Will Autoplay Twitter Video Ads Read More
Are you curious to know how effective social media is for small businesses? Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing Industry Report, which surveyed 3,720 marketers, business owners, and soloprenuers from the U.S. and overseas, found some meaningful social media trends we thought would be important for small businesses to note. 1. Social Media is Critical Read More