Football-Related YouTube Watch Time Increases over 90% Year-Over-Year
Content Marketing, Digital Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media

Football culture is about to bring friends and family together again on February 5th, 2017 for Super Bowl LI. In an interesting twist, it also brings people to YouTube. YouTube has shared that football-related YouTube watch time has increased over 90% year over year, and the videos being watched are not only replay videos. Three Read More
Give Your Marketing Campaign a Lift with the Perfect Hashtag
Content Marketing, Digital Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing

Hashtags are everywhere. From friendly conversations both online and off to television advertisements and larger-than-life billboards, hashtags have become more than just “some trend”. They have become a useful marketing tool which helps those tracking them organize and categorize content. What many marketers and business owners do not know is that hashtags can also be Read More
Pinterest has started rolling out an upgrade which gives you better control over how your ad campaigns are structured. Now, rather than the ad campaign only being the ad and the Promoted Pins within in, this social media network is offering Pinterest Ad Groups. What Are Pinterest Ad Groups? Pinterest ad groups act as a Read More
360 Degree Video Engages Viewers More Than Traditional Video
Content Marketing, Digital Media Marketing, Digital Media Stats, Email Marketing
Since 360 degree video hit the scene in 1995, it has revolutionized the way we are able to view videos online. Both YouTube and Facebook now offer 360 degree video platforms, and it is expected that the popularity of this technology is going to continue to rise over the next several years. What Studies Have Read More