Google Reviews Now Displaying Customer-Generated Images
Google, Online Marketing, Reputation Management

Quality images play an integral role when researching products and companies online. As such, it comes as no surprise that Google will begin to show customer-generated images on Google reviews. Currently only available in the United States, clients and customers can now upload images of the pool products you sell, of the custom water features Read More
Google Chrome to Start Blocking Pool Websites with Mixed Content
Google, Web Design, Web Development, Websites

Last week Google stated that they will begin blocking mixed content on its Google Chrome browser. The update – known as Chrome 79 – is set to take place in December 2019. This is a big deal considering Google Chrome is largely the most popular web browser in existence today. So what exactly is “mixed Read More
Google Ads for Pool Companies: Worth It or a Money Waster?
Google, Local Marketing, Online Marketing
Pool advertisers and business owners who have spent any amount of time in the digital media marketing space have likely tinkered with the idea of Google Ads for pool companies. But while there are loads of benefits – like attracting new leads and driving sales – the horror stories about failed campaigns, loss of revenue Read More
Is Hiding Facebook Like Counts a Big Deal for Pool Companies?
Facebook, Online Marketing, Social Media
Earlier this year, Instagram announced that it was removing public “like” counts from its platform for seven countries. Now its parent company, Facebook, has announced that it has begun hiding Facebook like counts in a test throughout Australia as of late September. Many suspect that Facebook will be hiding Facebook like counts throughout many other Read More