5 New Digital Marketing Resolutions to Start 2015 off Right
Digital Media Marketing

Goodbye, 2014! Now that we’re in a brand new year, it seems that everyone is vamping up to start over and/or improve upon many aspects of our lives, and this includes their marketing initiatives.
When you think back on 2014, were there any aspects of your marketing strategy that worked or some aspects that didn’t work? Are there areas you would like to work on this year to make your efforts more successful for your business or organization? While you are considering your power moves, we wanted to share a list of some considerations we highly recommend for anyone wanting to make 2015 more successful and prosperous than 2014.
1. Go Mobile
First and foremost, now is the time to focus marketing efforts centered around mobile devices. That’s because 2014 marked the year mobile traffic exceeded desktop traffic. With more users accessing the Internet with mobile and tablet devices, it’s imperative for every business seeking the attention of new and existing customers to make their presence known on mobile devices. This includes optimizing website, email marketing campaigns, and social media content.
2. Be Web Responsive
The Google-approved way to make websites more mobile and tablet friendly is by making it web responsive. This allows your website to function properly whether the customer is visiting on a desktop, mobile, or tablet device. Plus, a web responsive makes website edits easier by editing the entire site across all devices, instead of editing a mobile site and then separately editing a desktop site version.
3. Refocus Buyer Personas
There’s no point in making new marketing resolutions without a good understanding of your customers first. By truly understanding your customers, you have the opportunity to reach them at the right place, with the right approach. We recommend refreshing your buyer personas to help you determine and develop the best types of content for reaching these customers. Hubspot has a great guide for getting started or perfecting buyer personas.
4. Strengthen your Content Strategy
With the continuous algorithm changes, Google is proving the importance of quality content for the sake of your website rankings. A smart move for many companies and organizations is to conduct a content audit to find out what types of content work best for your business, whether it’s video, infographics, blog posts, email marketing, etc. Going back and looking at past analytics can help you determine which types of content were most engaging.
5. Revitalize Email and Social Efforts
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn are musts for every organization. While there will definitely be new and upcoming social media debuting this year, we highly recommend that every business fine-tune their presence on these six social media hotshots first before going for the “next big thing”.
On the same note, now is the perfect time to also clean up email marketing campaigns, including workflows and lead-nurturing ebook downloads. By making sure your email workflows are working properly, you will be able to more accurately monitor clicks an conversions, allowing you to continually improve and grow your marketing later down the road.
Not sure where your current digital marketing efforts stand? Get a free marketing report to see where you’re at and how your web presence compares with your competitors’. Get started here.