How to Un-Complicate Your Marketing Strategy
Blogs, Content Marketing, Digital Media Marketing, Facebook, Online Marketing
Digital marketing can seem like an overwhelming space. The term itself is incredibly broad with a number of different aspects linked to it like website design, social media, SEO and SEM going into the creation of a solid marketing strategy. Because it seems so densely packed, small businesses tend to do one of two things: Read More
How to Get More Leads
Content Marketing, Facebook, Local Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO tips, Social Media
It’s no secret that you need to get more leads for a successful business model. Even companies with average products and services are regularly deemed successful simply because they know what to do to generate more and better prospects. Being in the pool and spa industry has its own set of unique challenges. Your audience Read More
How GIFs Can Help You Capture More Leads on Facebook
Digital Media Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Local Marketing
Since their introduction to the Internet back in the 1980s, GIFs (pronounced “gif” or “jif” depending on who you ask) have only continued to grow in popularity. These continuously looping animated images are typically quite short and repetitive, having a profound effect on a viewer. Facebook began accepting GIF posts back in 2015. From that Read More
Is Hiding Facebook Like Counts a Big Deal for Pool Companies?
Facebook, Online Marketing, Social Media
Earlier this year, Instagram announced that it was removing public “like” counts from its platform for seven countries. Now its parent company, Facebook, has announced that it has begun hiding Facebook like counts in a test throughout Australia as of late September. Many suspect that Facebook will be hiding Facebook like counts throughout many other Read More