Social Media Advertising Statistics: Reaching and Engaging Target Audiences in the Pool and Spa Industry
Content Marketing, Digital Media Marketing, Digital Media Stats, Emerging Technologies, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Local Marketing, Social Media, Social Media

Picture this: a warm summer day, the sun shining brightly, and the serene blue waters of a sparkling pool or spa beckoning for relaxation. In the pool and spa industry, the competition to attract customers is fierce, and the key to success lies in reaching and engaging the right audience. Recent years have shown just Read More
Do Instagram stories matter to small businesses? We’ve got two answers for you – the short answer and the long one. Short answer? Yes, it matters. The Long Answer We’ve given this question a big yes already. Now, we’ll get to the why. It has something to do with the 500 million people who use Read More
Instagram is a hub of activities. With over 1 billion monthly users, the platform is a goldmine for small businesses. Tools and features relevant to content creators and businesses abound. One such feature lets you repost or reshare posts (Regram) on Instagram. Reposting on Instagram Reposting allows you to reshare your post or someone else’s post on Read More
Instagram is one of the best platforms for promoting your business online. A whopping 1 billion people use Instagram monthly. Also, 200 million people visit AT LEAST one business daily on Instagram. The platform is simply a hub of activities for personal users and business owners. For those of you who run small businesses, Instagram Read More