Over the past few years hashtags have transformed from something fun and experimental to an essential marketing tool that helps businesses promote their products or services.  According to a study by Simply Measured, posts with at least one hashtag have an average of 12.6% more engagement than those which don’t. The Benefits of Hashtags There  Read More

Social media can be more than a part of your overall marketing strategy.  These platforms can be transformed into their very own marketing funnels that will transform visitors into loyal customers. Small Screen Producer has put together these 3 tips so that you can start building your own social media marketing funnel today: Have a  Read More

Remember in 2013 when Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook attempted to buy Snapchat for $3 billion?  Since the camera company declined the offer, Facebook has transformed into a social media copycat and has been actively “copycatting” Snapchat in a number of ways. Just recently we shared the Facebook announcement that it was cloning Snapchat  Read More