Web Design
Well, this is the year. With more people now using tablets and smartphones on a regular basis, it’s becoming extremely important to create a website that works across multiple platforms. Last week, during the Search Marketing Expo (SMX), Head of Google Spam, Matt Cutts, mentioned that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if mobile search queries surpass Read More
When you think of a search engine, you’re most likely thinking of the master of web, Google. Google, with its own social network known as Google+, has all the fixings any web surfer could ever want or need and it’s been that way for years. On the other side of arena is Bing, the rival Read More
There’s been an ongoing debate happening in the wide world of web – Web Design vs. SEO. Web design agencies create the beautiful websites that tend fall short in search rankings, while SEO agencies are strategic in the content they provide websites, but the overall design doesn’t look as easy on the eyes. Not many Read More
Out of all of the different digital media marketing components to pick and choose from, the most important of all has to be the website. The head honcho, the shining beacon, home sweet home. According to Hubspot, 86.6% of U.S. SMBs cite websites as their most important digital marketing tactic, which makes sense considering it’s usually Read More