How Pool & Spa Companies Can Improve Video Content Performance
Content Marketing, Video Marketing, YouTube

We may not always be able to predict the future. But recent research from HubSpot makes it pretty clear that video content is here to stay. People want to see more videos from the brands they love, and pool and spa companies are no exception. Like many companies in this industry, you’ve likely already produced Read More
YouTube Testing Back-To-Back Video Ads
Blogs, Digital Media Marketing, News, Social Media, Video Marketing, YouTube

YouTube is about to change how they’ll be showing video ads to audiences. The company recently announced that YouTube will begin a new testing process that places two video advertisements back-to-back before the start of a video. Both advertisements will be skippable so audiences won’t be forced to sit through their entirety. The company says Read More
YouTube has launched a new ad format called “TrueView for Reach” which allows viewers to skip short ads on its network. Advertisers have the option of creating advertisements as short as 6 seconds in length. Users are able to skip such advertisements after 5 seconds of viewing. While brands may be concerned about losing Read More
Earlier this month Google confirmed in an official statement that they will stop supporting all unskippable 30-second ads on YouTube sometime in 2018. In its place they will switch over to 6-second unskippable “bumper ads” which the organization introduced in 2016. Why Is Google Doing This? Google found that their viewers hated the 30 second Read More