Don’t Let Unfair Reviews Hurt Your Business

Attack of the Unfair Online Reviews!
As a business owner, your number one goal is to provide excellent customer service. However, you’re still going to run into customers that you can’t make happy. You’re going to get some negative, unfair online reviews. Especially right now. The pool and spa industry is going through an unprecedented boom, and we’ve all been feeling it. Between issues with both supply and demand, inventory is selling out everywhere. Schedules are filled out months in advance, and, of course, customers still want their pool or hot tub yesterday.
These issues can lead to a lot of negative reviews. Some are fair, and you can remedy them. But many are just angry people who didn’t get what they wanted. Through no fault of your own, they’ve decided you wronged them, so they choose to take it out on your Google, Yelp, Facebook, Instagram, Better Business Bureau page, or anywhere else they can find you online.
One Bad Review Can Hurt Your Business
Some of these “wronged” customers can be pretty harsh. Nasty, even. And they can be relentless. One misunderstanding or angry customer can flood your entire social media and online presence with negative and unfair comments. And it’s a pretty big deal. Just one bitter, vindictive customer can drive away up to 22% of your business. That’s usually their goal.
It can feel pretty helpless. The shock of all the unfair reviews coming in so suddenly can be unsettling, especially when the complaints are about something entirely out of your control. You might feel tempted to respond to these reviews quickly to try and defend your business. Impulsively reacting is entirely understandable, but perhaps not the best action to take. You’ll almost always regret getting into a public back-and-forth with an unreasonable customer.
A Smarter Way to Respond to Unfair Reviews
We advise businesses to have a practical set of formulaic responses to take the conversation out of public view. It’s important to acknowledge the complaint, apologize for the misunderstanding (without taking the blame), and then invite the reviewer to contact you by phone or email. It won’t always get the customer to stop saying nasty things, but it’s vital to show other potential customers that you handled the complaints calmly and cooly and offered to make it right. And you never know. You might end up persuading the customer to update their review, and nothing builds more trust for other potential customers than seeing your “make it right” in action. (We can help you with a list of proven responses specific to the pool and industry).
It’s also a good idea to get advice from an outside, objective point of view. A second opinion will keep things rational and help you avoid an emotional exchange that might end up coming back to bite you over and over again as it sits in your Google, Yelp, or Facebook reviews forever.
Protect Your Business Against Harmful Negative Attacks
At Small Screen Producer, we can help you manage an onslaught of negative reviews. We’ve helped clients navigate some pretty tough online review disasters. With the craziness going on right now in the pool and spa industry, you’ll feel a whole lot better knowing you have proven protection on your side.
Do you have a plan to handle the inevitable negative and unfair reviews that might damage your reputation? Would your business be prepared if something out of your control affected your entire online presence? With our Internet Reputation Protector, you can answer “yes” to both of these questions. Even more, and you won’t find this elsewhere, it also comes with smart insights and expert real-world advice to help you through the nuances of touchy situations.
Another question to ask yourself is if you even know when and where your reviews get posted. Negative reviews could already be sitting out there. One is bad enough, but four negative reviews could cost you 70% of potential customers. Our Internet Reputation Protector is the protection you need. Did we mention you save up to $3,000 compared to Podium?
All of this can seem like a lot. We know your plate is already full, but today’s marketplace requires a solid online reputation with constant monitoring. Your business may depend on it.
About Small Screen Producer
Small Screen Producer is dedicated to designing and creating your company’s total web and online presence. As the leading innovator of digital media in the pool and spa industry, we have the experience to capitalize on your unique strengths to help your business succeed.
We offer a complete line of digital marketing solutions to custom pool builders and pool and spa retailers. These include website design, website development, Google Ad services, Facebook and Instagram Ad services, lead generation tools, email marketing, social media management, reputation management, content marketing, technical services, blog services, copywriting, and comprehensive monthly plans to take your online marketing and advertising off to the next level and off your to-do list.
Contact us today to learn more about boosting your company’s revenue through our four pillars of success that will Position, Pursue, Promote, and Protect your business.