Expect to See These Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2015
Digital Media Marketing

Can you believe we’re going to say goodbye to 2014 in just a couple of months? While we are embracing cooler weather and looking forward to the upcoming holiday season, we have been reading up what all the biggest marketing trends expected to take the center stage in 2015. For years it’s been content marketing, but in 2015, expect content marketing to have some power players on its side to be on top digital marketing trends. According to experts, trends such as new marketing software, hyper segmentation through the use of marketing analytics and data, and mobile advertising are all expected to be big next year as well. Take a look at these 10 marketing predictions for 2015, courtesy of Wheelhouse Advisors.
2. Marketing Data
With today’s technology, marketing data is more available than it ever has been. It’s now easier for marketers to determine a cost per lead down their sales pipeline. Systems such as Hubspot and Sharpspring keep track and understand a customer’s needs and interactions with an organization.
4. Goodbye, Guest Blogging?
In Jan 2014, Matt Cutts (head of Google Spam) coyly mentioned that guest blogging was going to die as a way to generate backlinks for a website. Yet, there are still great reasons why a company should guest blog; it increases brand awareness and referral traffic. To be successful with guest blogging, companies and organizations will have to realize that they shouldn’t be guest blogging to gain backlinks, but to build their brand.
6. Marketing Automation
The marketing automation industry is predicted grow ten fold in 2015 since it has had a 50%+ annual growth since 2012. We’ll also see startup tech companies who may have invented something bigger and better get purchased out by bigger companies such as Facebook and Yahoo.
8.Hyper-Segmentation and Local Marketing
Every year, websites become more a more able to pass along customer information whether it’s through forms, the website pages visited by the user, even their physical location. What we’ll see in 2015 is a focus on further breaking down target audience through hyper segmentation, by customer behavior and geographical location. This will help advertisers create more effective ads and encourage more people to click.
10. Online Ad Spend – Yes, Please!
More and more people flock to the Internet whether it’s during work or personal time. For this reason, marketers are more inclined to use online ads to target messages to their customers. In addition to this, online ads give marketers the power to target, segment and track their ad spending and ROI, which makes them all the more appealing.