Facebook’s New Conversion Measurement Tool Will Help Marketers Reach Ad Goals
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There’s no doubt that Facebook ads have been very successful for many businesses. To improve the its advertising experience and drive even more results for advertisers, Facebook announced a new conversion lift measurement that will prove to be super helpful.
This new tool, first introduced in January 2015, will allow advertisers to compare multiple Facebook ads against each other. This will enable brands to better track the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and provide them with an understanding of the additional business Facebook ads can provide for them. With this tool, advertisers can hopefully make more informed marketing choices and grow their businesses.
Facebook announced the update in a Facebook for Business post, explaining:
“Up until now, conversion lift studies have measured the effectiveness of Facebook advertising by separating an advertiser’s audience into two groups: a randomized test group that sees ads and a control group that doesn’t. This kind of study shows advertisers how effective their Facebook ads are at driving their intended goal. But now advertisers can compare multiple ads with the same objective against each other, so they can not only see if Facebook advertising is working, but exactly which advertising approaches work the best for their goal.
Among other things, conversion lift studies with multiple test and control groups help advertisers determine:
- Which ad units perform best for their objectives.
- Whether brand and direct-response ads work better to achieve the objective than brand ads or direct response ads on their own.
- What value mobile ads are driving.
- Whether lifestyle creative or product-focused creative best accomplishes their goal.”
Compare it All Together
Additionally, Facebook conversion lift studies can be set up to measure lift across multiple channels – stores, websites, apps, so advertisers can see a holistic view of ad performance. Multi-channel measurement can show advertisers the overall effect their ads contributed and how ads drove sales through individual channels.
To run a conversion test, Facebook recommends:
- A campaign that isn’t live yet and will have sufficient statistical power for meaningful and accurate results
- Accessible conversion data, either through a Facebook pixel, App Events, or email addresses or phone numbers for offline conversions