mobile sales tools
Retail touchpoints are valuable opportunities to make a great brand impression on your customers. Traditionally, retailers have used physical stores, events, print materials, advertisements, and branded e-commerce websites to connect with customers. But today’s technology driven world gives retailers a wealth of new ways to impart their brand messages and drive sales. Social media, viral Read More
QR codes have been used in the shipping and manufacturing industry for years, and ventured their way into mainstream marketing a couple years ago. Each year we hear about how QR codes are going to catch on. While they may not have exploded per se, customers are familiar with them and know how to scan Read More
In order to create effective mobile and tablet sales tools, you need to understand what your customers want and develop a strategy to give it to them on the device of their preference. Mobile Is On the Rise You may have heard before that mobile internet usage is expected to surpass desktop internet usage by Read More