You have a website set up. The site is generating leads, you are reaching your goals for your website over a computer. Now you want to take it a step further by optimizing your page for mobile use. Well, we have a few tips for you to aid you in your process of building a mobile site.

Keep it simple, silly!

Make sure your site easily opens on mobile devices. That means no Flash, frames, PNG-24 images, and plug-ins. Plus, those objects will hinder the loading speed of your mobile site. Instead, use mobile-friendly options for your mobile landing page such as, HTML5, jQuery, and JPG and GIF image formats.  Have your items scaled to fit to your page. If someone has to zoom into the content on your page, you might be doing it wrong.

It’s a small world…

Reduce the size of your headlines.  Instead of a seven or eight word headline, make it three or four words.  You don’t want the words of your headline taking up half of your mobile site. Keep your text content concise and clear!

“Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Your mobile landing page should load quickly, in five seconds or less. If not, you can have people lose interest in your mobile site in the same amount of time that it should take for your site to load. Try to have the data on your pages under 20 kilobytes to speed up your load time. Make your content shorter. Not everyone has the time to read a long article on a mobile site. Consider using bullets to get to the point.

Call me maybe? 

Add a click-to-call capability. Having a click-to-call button available on your landing page will generate some mobile conversions. Also, have the availability hours on your site. No one wants to waste their time on the phone only to realize that no one is there to help them out. Do not forget to include the international prefix number for those who want to call and are not based in the same country that you are.

Slim it down!

Have your content available on a single column. If you can, have your call-to-action located above the fold, located within the top 100 pixels for smartphones. If you cannot have your CTA above the fold, perhaps you can add a teaser to lead users to your call-to-action?

Two thumbs up!

Do not give your users the “fat finger” syndrome. Be finger friendly! Make sure your clickable items have padding to avoid misclicks. To make things even more friendly, you can add a plug-in so that users can do swipe gestures on your site.

Support your local…

Localize. People are on their mobile devices and on the move.  Especially when trying to find places to go. People think that they can easily hide their location, but some of the broadest geotracking systems can locate devices from within 5 to 20 miles of where they are. You want your landing page to be relevant for those people that are in your area. Make local deals and offers available.

Bare necessities

Keep your forms as simple as possible. Gather the amount of information needed to accomplish the job. If you have a long form on a mobile site, it is likely that you could have a lower conversion rate than that of another site with a fewer fields. Having trouble trying to figure out what fields you do not need? If you must, divide your form into two pages.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

After all is said and done, test out your mobile landing page. You should make sure it is built the way you would want it to look. Have a go at how fast your pages load. Click around and see if you have problems accessing items. Once you are satisfied with your product, you can finalize it and then launch it.

Feel free to check out Hubspot’s free ebook, “How to Optimize Landing Page for Conversion” for more tips on how to get users to read and convert into customers fast. If you need to get settled with getting inbound marketing set up for your website first, check out our free ebook below:
