Twitter Experiments with New Video Sharing Feature
Social Media, Video Marketing

Twitter is always out to include more media nowadays in order to improve the user experience and to also provide opportunities for sponsored content (aka ads). Here’s a new feature that’s got everyone chirping:
We all know that Twitter recently redesigned their entire layout, but now they might be testing out a new feature that will allow visitors to easily share video on the social platform. Discovered by Recode, this feature can be seen in action on the Twitter iPhone app and makes it extremely easy for users to embed, display, or play clicks on mobile phones.
If you don’t have an iPhone, here’s what it’ll look like:
When a user composes a tweet and includes a specific hashtag, they can automatically embed a video in their tweet. For example, the hashtag “#amillionwaystodieinthewest” specifically created to help promote the upcoming movie release of A Million Ways to Die in the West is the first apparent run of this new feature.
As the user types of beginning of this hashtag, some auto-suggested options fall in a dropdown menu below.
In this instance, a user clicks on one of the options, Twitter will autocomplete the hashtag and queue up a video and the user will have a chance to see a preview below the tweet before clicking “Attach.”
This might be a super lucrative way for Twitter to get those advertising dollars and a helpful tool for those publishers/distributors out there to send more videos through Twitter streams. We’ll keep you updated on when it finally rolls out for Android.