If you aren’t sure if your business should leverage the benefits of content marketing, now might be the time to consider it! Content marketing campaigns have always been known to engage audiences and generate leads. And according to this recent infographic created by Captora, over half of customers (61%) are more likely to buy from companies that create custom content than with companies that don’t.


The Benefits of Content Marketing: 

At the heart of every integrated, targeted approach to marketing is content marketing.

Content marketing is the marketing technique that distributes valuable information. This content, in turn, attracts and acquires a highly targeted, relevant audience. The end result is profitable customer action for businesses.



The biggest challenge for B2B and B2C marketers is determining ROI. Only 27% of marketers actually track content metrics effectively. For content marketing to be successful for companies, there needs to direction. That direction is gathered through measurement and data. Consistently finding out what’s working and what’s not working with your content marketing will help continue to build better content for your customer, drive more interest, and convert more sales.

Yet, you won’t need to deal with numbers and figures to determine most effective content marketing for your business. The work has already been done for you! Take a look to find out how marketers are organizing their goals for content marketing, content that’s providing the most ROI, metrics marketers are tracking, and more:

What Type of Content Marketing Attracts the Most Customers | Small Screen Producer Digital and Inbound Marketing Agency Houston