What Can Brands Gain from the Google & Twitter Partnership?
Social Media

Google and Twitter recently confirmed that the two have reached a new partnership deal that will allow tweets to be displayed in Google search results as soon as they are published on the social media site. It’s ‘win-win’ for both parties: Google will get real-time content coming in while Twitter will likely receive an increase in activity and traffic.
What Brands Need to Keep in Mind
This is a great example of the integration of search and social. Here’s what brands will need to focus on to take advantage of this new feature.
Optimize posts
Since Google will be indexing tweets, you’ll want to see your posts in search results! This requires that posts are optimized and your search and social content teams are working closely together to ensure that social posts contain those key phrases in order to get found.
Optimize posts
Treat Them Like Ads
Tweets will not only be published on the social site but in search results so brands will want to make it count! Instead of thinking of a post as a social post, treat it like an ad or a landing page. Like a paid ad in search results, it can direct users to pages on your website.
Optimize posts
Be Proactive in Conversations
Since we’re talking about social media, there will be conversations addressed to you or a user, and brands will need to monitor these conversations and respond accordingly. This is especially true for any negative comments or reviews. Brands will need to make sure they carefully and proactively respond to these posts so that when they do show up in search results, they see that you’ve responded appropriately.
Optimize posts
Get Ready for a Search Impact
With this new integration, brands will anticipate some sort of change to their organic and paid search. It’s important to monitor carefully and make any necessary changes to paid advertising and keyword focus. Twitter CEO confirmed that this feature will not be happening anytime soon, but nonetheless, it’ll be beneficial for many brands maintain an active presence on Twitter to reap the benefits!
Sources: AdAge